Find My Kibbe Body Type Classification

Thanks for answering all the questions! Take a look at your recorded answers.

If you answered mainly…

A’s – You have a Dramatic body type.

B’s – You have a Natural body type.

C’s – You have a Classic body type.

(Read all my tips for Kibbe Classics. If these guides are helpful, let me know in the comments below. If there’s interest, I’ll write more for the other body types.)

D’s – You have a Romantic body type.

E’s – You have a Gamine body type.

12 responses to “Answers: What’s My Kibbe Body Type?”
  1. The Purist Avatar

    Just remember that the only person who can truly identify you is yourself.
    I believe I’m a Soft Classic, though I’ve had people tell me I resemble a Soft Natural depending on the angle. (Based on my hips, backside, hands, feet and face, I’m still leaning towards SC for myself.)

    1. Sarah Avatar

      I see.

  2. s Avatar

    was informative

  3. Faith Avatar

    This doesn’t tell me my answer??

    1. The Purist Avatar

      Hi Faith, it’s stated twice on the quiz page to record your answers.
      I’ve since added a checkbox to ensure people understand this before proceeding to the final screen.

  4. Anna Avatar

    When I gain weight I tend to gain all over and people don’t think I look heavy even though I am. Also I have small head though it doesn’t look small for body. People think I’m taller than I am. When I was younger I was very slim and I looked bony .

  5. Jz Avatar

    This was pointless. You should tell people to record their answers if you’re not going to tell them what their type is at the end.

    1. The Purist Avatar

      It’s stated twice before the quiz begins to record your answers.

  6. Egypt Clark Avatar
    Egypt Clark


  7. Egypt Clark Avatar
    Egypt Clark

    I think I might be a classic body type

  8. Hope Avatar

    Mine came out as EACD and dramatic silhouette

  9. Gina Avatar

    2 C 3D Classic Romantic body type

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