Self Care

  • A Hopeful Second Trimester Recap
    A Hopeful Second Trimester Recap

    The Second Trimester Was Probably The Easiest… And that’s no surprise! Most experienced mothers always say the second trimester is the best part of pregnancy. Your symptoms decrease, you start sporting a little baby bump, and you get to see the first images of your new babe. This article is the second in my pregnancy…

  • Brutally Honest First Trimester Recap: Mental Health and Pregnancy
    Brutally Honest First Trimester Recap: Mental Health and Pregnancy

    How I’m Balancing My Pregnancy While Coping With Depression and Anxiety Here is your fair warning that this is a very TMI article. Like… way too graphic for me to be comfortable with my coworkers or ex’s reading. I will also be discussing mental health, body image, projectile vomiting, and medications. These are all difficult…

  • Shelter From the Storm
    Shelter From the Storm

    What to do When Facing Anxiety, Depression or Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder? I was in a highway car crash on October 26, 2017. It was one of my greatest fears. I was pulled over on the left shoulder of the highway, hazard lights blinking and ears ringing. In my rearview mirror, the hood of a white…

  • How My Body Changed After I Started Eating Vegan
    How My Body Changed After I Started Eating Vegan

    I Anticipated that Eating a Produce-Focused Vegan Diet Would Change Me… However, I Couldn’t Imagine How Dramatically My Body Would Transform I was never 100% sure that I could commit to eating a vegan diet. And after all, abstaining from meat and dairy are just one aspect of being vegan. There are other ethical cornerstones…

  • Weekend Rituals with May Lindstrom and 100% Pure
    Weekend Rituals with May Lindstrom and 100% Pure

    Stress Release, Long Soaks and Decadent Skin Treatments Your personal rituals reveal a lot about you. For me, weekends rituals are all about indulgence. Long bubble baths, mimosas at brunch, pedicures and snuggling with my cat. (Ok, I snuggle with my cat everyday. But weekend morning are especially cozy and lazy.) Although my weekend schedule…