
  • Herbivore Botanicals Sea Mist and Pink Clay Mask Review
    Herbivore Botanicals Sea Mist and Pink Clay Mask Review

    Getting Summer Ready with Herbivore Botanicals In the previous post, I complained about the rash of bumps and pimples spreading across my jawline like teenage wildfire. While the appearance of new blemishes has definitely slowed down, there was still work to do. My face desperately needed something capable of heavy-duty-acne-fighting. But I also wanted to…

  • Ocean Cleansing Mudd and White Algae to the Rescue!
    Ocean Cleansing Mudd and White Algae to the Rescue!

    After a long flight from Toronto to Dallas, my skin was freaking out. Topical blemish treatments stopped working. Was this stress-induced acne? I had to try something new. Enter: Ocean, Sun, Earth and Atmosphere. Or OSEA (Oh-SEE-uh) for short. This brand caught my eye due to a) their minimalist pretty packaging and b) their natural,…

  • Visiting the Premier Holistic Beauty Expo
    Visiting the Premier Holistic Beauty Expo

    Queen West was host to Toronto’s very first Holistic Beauty Expo. We stopped by to sample what was new, learn about holistic whole-body health, and see what it takes to become a green beauty guru. Green and holistic beauty brands pride themselves on the integrity of their ingredients. And there really is a science to…

  • Weekend Rituals with May Lindstrom and 100% Pure
    Weekend Rituals with May Lindstrom and 100% Pure

    Stress Release, Long Soaks and Decadent Skin Treatments Your personal rituals reveal a lot about you. For me, weekends rituals are all about indulgence. Long bubble baths, mimosas at brunch, pedicures and snuggling with my cat. (Ok, I snuggle with my cat everyday. But weekend morning are especially cozy and lazy.) Although my weekend schedule…

  • Cancer Causing Toxins in Deodorants and Antiperspirants
    Cancer Causing Toxins in Deodorants and Antiperspirants

    Ah deodorant. One of the many taboo subjects women aren’t suppose to talk about. The purpose of this post is to start the conversation. Chances are, you apply this product daily, without a second thought. But have you ever taken a look at the chemical contents of commercial deodorants and antiperspirants?They frequently contains toxic carcinogens…