Spring/Summer Outfits
What to Wear in Early Spring
Break out of Your Winter Blahs 🌷 Every year around mid-February I get “the itch.” It starts small, barely noticeable. But by March I’m in full-blown “is it freakin’ Spring yet???” madness. This year it feels particularly painful. If you are also cursed restricted by living in the North, you know the exact feeling I’m…
Varadero to Havana: Part II – Fusterlandia
Day-Tripping in Fusterlandia. After a full day of traveling the streets of Havana, I didn’t think there was much left that could surprise me. However, I was about to be pleasantly surprised. I described this “trippy, mural place” to our tour guides, in hopes they knew what I was talking about. Thankfully, they knew I…
Varadero to Havana in a Bright Green Cadillac: Part I
My Heart is in Havana. Is it just a coincidence that Camila Cabello’s song “Havana” came out in time for our long-awaited trip to Cuba? I’d been dreaming of visiting Cuba since a photographer friend showed me photos he’d taken there. It may have been my American upbringing, but for some reason, Cuba was never…