
  • 3 Major Eco ‘Trends’ to Support in 2022
    3 Major Eco ‘Trends’ to Support in 2022

    Let’s Make Them More Than a Trend! My hope is that these actually aren’t trends but will instead become permanent practices! I was recently a guest at Chatters Style Consciously event where the spotlight was on ’green’ haircare and eco-conscious product innovation. That got me thinking about which of the latest trends are actually worth…

  • 6 Small & Easy Ways to Help Protect the Planet
    6 Small & Easy Ways to Help Protect the Planet

    Switch-Up Your Habits to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint. Smalls changes with large-scale impact is the theme of today’s post. We only have one planet. 🌍 Collectively, it’s up to you and me to take care of it! And while that may seem daunting, I assure you there are some super-simple things that you can start…